A web comic that will Tweet your Facebook off!

Author: Dave

  • Reality Bytes

    After taking a week off for vacation, coming back to reality was a bit hard. I think I’m STILL on island time. I’ve been playing Dead Island for the XBOX and it brings me back to the resort we stayed at…well minus the zombie-pacolpyse. For Doug all it means is coming home to a stable… Read more

  • Playcation

    I’m going on my first “real” vacation since about 10 years ago. That’s not to say I haven’t had a vacation but flying back to the east coast to see my family isn’t anything like going to a sunny beach and drinking Mai Tais (sorry Mom). It will be nice to go somewhere and disconnect.… Read more

  • Comic Conned

    San Diego Comic Con is here! I’ll be heading down Friday to get in on the action. Feel free to find ME and I’ll give you a Dot Problems postcard and magnet (while supplies last). Now onto the comic. There have been a lot of online articles regarding comic swiper extraordinaire Rob Granito on Bleeding… Read more

  • Going Postal

    San Diego Comic-Con is soon approaching! This year I was able to book a GREAT hotel and am looking forward to all the fun! Even my girlfriend is excited! I’ve been thinking of some cool promotional items that I could do for Dot Problems and finally it hit me. Postcards! I was originally going to… Read more

  • In Bleakest Day…

    This strip was inspired by all the tweets that came out shortly after the Green Lantern WonderCon trailer made its debut. That trailer really got everyone amped up for the movie including myself. It looks like a fun summer blockbuster! This year is definitely the year of the comic book movie! I may even do… Read more

  • Working Class Zero

    I recently got an iPad 2 and have been playing with it non-stop. It can eat up huge chunks of your time. That led me to the idea that some people probably use their iPhone (BlackBerry, Droid, whatever) to text or play games at work more than they should. Doug is one of those people.… Read more

  • Alien Nation

    This strip is a little different than past strips because it is based solely on Internet rumor. If you don’t like spoilers you can stop reading now and enjoy my confusing strip. If you don’t care, highlight the text below to read more. [SPOILER] I read on the Internet that they will be changing the… Read more

  • RE: Solutions

    Well 2011 is here, and has been for almost a month. My resolution was to draw more and update this comic more often. I’ve been drawing more but updating this comic… not so much. I have a whole year to remedy that though. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and end up relaxing all day drawing… Read more

  • Holly Daze

    Merry Christmas from Dot Problems!! I am currently in PA with my family and wanted to post a little something for the holidays. If it looks a little different it’s because it was drawn on recycled paper, inked with Sharpie/PITT pens and colored with colored pencils. After 2 trips to Staples I was able to… Read more

  • All You Need Is Doug

    The recent Apple announcement was that the Beatles are now available on iTunes. That spawned the idea that there may be some people who have no idea who they are and think they are a new band now available on iTunes for the first time. Doug is one of those people. I’m not quite sure… Read more