A web comic that will Tweet your Facebook off!

Comic Conned

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San Diego Comic Con is here! I’ll be heading down Friday to get in on the action. Feel free to find ME and I’ll give you a Dot Problems postcard and magnet (while supplies last). Now onto the comic.

There have been a lot of online articles regarding comic swiper extraordinaire Rob Granito on Bleeding Cool. Basically this guy copies other artists work then sells it at conventions as his own. This got me thinking that by now he is probably getting annoyed at every convention with people getting on his case about stealing (as well they should). My character Doug is too oblivious to know any of this and just wants a sketch from someone he assumes is a legit-o-mite artist. Rob, obviously fed up, answered Doug with a line from the X-Men: First Class movie (there are spoilers so I won’t ruin it for you if you haven’t seen it yet). Just so everyone knows, the incident in my comic strip DID NOT HAPPEN. Well, at least not to me anyway.

If you are visiting this site because I met you or you got one of my postcards at Comic-Con; WELCOME!! Follow and Tweet me to say Hi! Or LIKE the brand spanking new Facebook page!! Thanks for visiting!

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